ਸਮੱਗਰੀ 'ਤੇ ਜਾਓ

ਫਰਮਾ:Convert/list of units/energy

ਵਿਕੀਪੀਡੀਆ, ਇੱਕ ਆਜ਼ਾਦ ਵਿਸ਼ਵਕੋਸ਼ ਤੋਂ
system unit code
symbol or
notes sample
default conversion
SI yottajoule YJ YJ 1.0 YJ (2.8×1017 kWh)
zettajoule ZJ ZJ 1.0 ZJ (2.8×1014 kWh)
exajoule EJ EJ 1.0 EJ (2.8×1011 kWh)
petajoule PJ PJ 1.0 PJ (280,000,000 kWh)
terajoule TJ TJ 1.0 TJ (280,000 kWh)
gigajoule GJ GJ 1.0 GJ (280 kWh)
megajoule MJ MJ 1.0 MJ (0.28 kWh)
kilojoule kJ kJ 1.0 kJ (240 cal)
hectojoule hJ hJ 1.0 hJ (24 cal)
decajoule daJ daJ 1.0 daJ (2.4 cal)
joule J J 1.0 J (0.24 cal)
decijoule dJ dJ 1.0 dJ (0.024 cal)
centijoule cJ cJ 1.0 cJ (0.0024 cal)
millijoule mJ mJ 1.0 mJ (0.00024 cal)
microjoule μJ (uJ) μJ 1.0 μJ (2.4×10−7 cal)
nanojoule nJ nJ 1.0 nJ (2.4×10−10 cal)
picojoule pJ pJ 1.0 pJ (6.2 MeV)
femtojoule fJ fJ 1.0 fJ (6.2 keV)
attojoule aJ aJ 1.0 aJ (6.2 eV)
zeptojoule zJ zJ 1.0 zJ (6.2 meV)
yoctojoule yJ yJ 1.0 yJ (6.2 μeV)
cgs megaerg Merg Merg 1.0 Merg (0.10 J)
kiloerg kerg kerg 1.0 kerg (0.10 mJ)
erg erg (none) 1.0 erg (0.10 μJ)
millierg merg merg 1.0 merg (0.00010 μJ)
microerg μerg μerg 1.0 μerg (0.00010 nJ)
microerg uerg μerg 1.0 μerg (0.00010 nJ)
Watt-hour multiples terawatt-hour TWh TWh 1.0 TWh (3.6 PJ)
(TW·h, TW-h)
gigawatt-hour GWh GWh 1.0 GWh (3.6 TJ)
(GW·h, GW-h)
megawatt-hour MWh MWh 1.0 MWh (3.6 GJ)
(MW·h, MW-h)
kilowatt-hour kWh kWh 1.0 kWh (3.6 MJ)
(kW·h, kW-h)
watt-hour Wh Wh 1.0 Wh (3.6 kJ)
(W·h, W-h)
milliwatt-hour mWh mWh 1.0 mWh (3.6 J)
(mW·h, mW-h)
microwatt-hour μWh (uWh) μWh 1.0 μWh (3.6 mJ)
(uW·h, μW.h, uW.h, μW-h, uW-h)
Electronvolt multiples petaelectronvolt PeV PeV 1.0 PeV (0.16 mJ)
teraelectronvolt TeV TeV 1.0 TeV (0.16 μJ)
gigaelectronvolt GeV GeV 1.0 GeV (0.16 nJ)
megaelectronvolt MeV MeV 1.0 MeV (0.16 pJ)
kiloelectronvolt keV keV 1.0 keV (0.16 fJ)
electronvolt eV eV 1.0 eV (0.16 aJ)
millielectronvolt meV meV 1.0 meV (0.16 zJ)
microelectronvolt μeV (ueV) μeV 1.0 μeV (0.16 yJ)
nanoelectronvolt neV neV 1.0 neV (0.00016 yJ)
picoelectronvolt peV peV 1.0 peV (1.6×10−7 yJ)
femtoelectronvolt feV feV 1.0 feV (1.6×10−10 yJ)
Calorie multiples calorie Cal (Calorie) Cal 1.0 Cal (4.2 kJ)
megacalorie Mcal Mcal 1.0 Mcal (4.2 MJ)
kilocalorie kcal kcal 1.0 kcal (4.2 kJ)
calorie cal cal 1.0 cal (4.2 J)
millicalorie mcal mcal 1.0 mcal (4.2 mJ)
Calorie (thermochemical) Cal-th (kg-cal-th) Calth 1.0 Calth (4.2 kJ)
megacalorie (thermochemical) Mcal-th (g-cal-th) Mcalth 1.0 Mcalth (4.2 MJ)
kilocalorie (thermochemical) kcal-th (g-cal-th) kcalth 1.0 kcalth (4.2 kJ)
calorie (thermochemical) cal-th (g-cal-th) calth 1.0 calth (4.2 J)
millicalorie (thermochemical) mcal-th (g-cal-th) mcalth 1.0 mcalth (4.2 mJ)
Calorie (15°C) Cal-15 (kg-cal-15) Cal15 1.0 Cal15 (4.2 kJ)
megacalorie (15°C) Mcal-15 (g-cal-15) Mcal15 1.0 Mcal15 (4.2 MJ)
kilocalorie (15°C) kcal-15 (g-cal-15) kcal15 1.0 kcal15 (4.2 kJ)
calorie (15°C) cal-15 (g-cal-15) cal15 1.0 cal15 (4.2 J)
millicalorie (15°C) mcal-15 (g-cal-15) mcal15 1.0 mcal15 (4.2 mJ)
Calorie (International Steam Table) Cal-IT (kg-cal-IT) CalIT 1.0 CalIT (4.2 kJ)
megacalorie (International Steam Table) Mcal-IT (g-cal-IT) McalIT 1.0 McalIT (4.2 MJ)
kilocalorie (International Steam Table) kcal-IT (g-cal-IT) kcalIT 1.0 kcalIT (4.2 kJ)
calorie (International Steam Table) cal-IT (g-cal-IT) calIT 1.0 calIT (4.2 J)
millicalorie (International Steam Table) mcal-IT (g-cal-IT) mcalIT 1.0 mcalIT (4.2 mJ)

ਫਰਮਾ:Convert/list of units/energy/ftlb

British thermal unit multiples

ਫਰਮਾ:Convert/list of units/energy/Btu

TNT-based units

ਫਰਮਾ:Convert/list of units/energy/TNT

oil-based units gigatonne of oil equivalent Gtoe Gtoe 1.0 Gtoe (42 EJ)
megatonne of oil equivalent Mtoe Mtoe 1.0 Mtoe (42 PJ)
kilotonne of oil equivalent ktoe ktoe 1.0 ktoe (42 TJ)
tonne of oil equivalent toe toe 1.0 toe (42 GJ)
kilo barrel of oil equivalent kBOE (kbboe) kBOE 1.0 kBOE (6.1 TJ)
barrel of oil equivalent BOE BOE 1.0 BOE (6.1 GJ)
atmospheric-pressure-based units m3atm[convert: unknown unit] m3atm (none) 1.0 m3atm[convert: unknown unit]
scc[convert: unknown unit] scc (none) 1.0 scc[convert: unknown unit]
cm3atm[convert: unknown unit] cm3atm (none)
ccatm ccatm[convert: unknown unit]
Glatm[convert: unknown unit] Glatm (none) 1.0 Glatm[convert: unknown unit]
GLatm GLatm[convert: unknown unit]
Mlatm[convert: unknown unit] Mlatm (none) 1.0 Mlatm[convert: unknown unit]
MLatm MLatm[convert: unknown unit]
klatm[convert: unknown unit] klatm (none) 1.0 klatm[convert: unknown unit]
kLatm kLatm[convert: unknown unit]
sl[convert: unknown unit] sl (none) 1.0 sl[convert: unknown unit]
latm[convert: unknown unit] latm (none)
Latm Latm[convert: unknown unit]
mlatm[convert: unknown unit] mlatm (none) 1.0 mlatm[convert: unknown unit]
mLatm mLatm[convert: unknown unit]
scy[convert: unknown unit] scy (none) 1.0 scy[convert: unknown unit]
cuydatm[convert: unknown unit] cuydatm (none)
standard cubic foot scf (scfoot) scf ਫਰਮਾ:Convert/list of units/foot note 1.0 scf (2.9 kJ)
cuftatm[convert: unknown unit] cuftatm (cufootatm) (none)
impgalatm[convert: unknown unit] impgalatm (none) 1.0 impgalatm[convert: unknown unit]
USgalatm[convert: unknown unit] USgalatm (usgalatm) (none) 1.0 USgalatm[convert: unknown unit]
U.S.galatm (usgalatm) U.S.galatm[convert: unknown unit]
Other foe foe (none) 1051 ergs 1.0 foe (1.0×1020 YJ)
Board of Trade Unit B.O.T.U. B.O.T.U. an obsolete UK synonym for kilowatt-hour 1.0 B.O.T.U. (3.6 MJ)
Celsius heat unit (International Table) CHU-IT CHUIT 1 BTUIT × 1 °C/°F 1.0 CHUIT (1.9 kJ)
thermie th th 1 McalIT 1.0 th (4.2 MJ)
Hartree Eh (Hartree) Eh 1.0 Eh (27 eV)
rydberg Ry Ry 1.0 Ry (14 eV)
cubic foot of natural gas cuftnaturalgas
(none) ਫਰਮਾ:Convert/list of units/foot note 1.0 cubic foot of natural gas (1.1 MJ)